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3d mouldings to order

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3d mouldings

Our Picart art studio offers you a large selection of exclusive relief paintings, bas-relief panels, and a variety of handmade relief compositions.
Originating from the classical style bas-relief, as well as columns, capitals, pilasters, baguettes, plinths, mouldings, ornaments, rosettes, relief paintings have become widespread in the modern styles of art nouveau, fusion, hi-tech and minimalism.

Production of 3 d mouldings

This is a real creative job that requires certain knowledge and skills and is quite a labour intensive process. Working for many years in the field of design and decoration, sculptors and decorators of our art studio have gathered a lot of knowledge and experience in this field of activity.
We work with different materials and techniques.

This is as relief paintings with ordinary putty, and the use of already 2-component and more complex materials. And we have combined this knowledge and experience with new technologies and created a new exclusive product. So in addition to the standard native shade of bas-relief or colour coating, we have the technology of imitation under different types of stones: marble, granite, and others and also metals gold, silver, copper, tin, which visually can not be distinguished from the natural material. Also, in order to play the bas-relief and emphasise its beauty, the right lighting and illumination plays an important role.

We can offer you a good choice as ready-made variants of products and to develop and create an exclusive relief decor or panel exactly floor you interior, taking into account your taste, wishes and style of the interior.

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